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Weed Related Questions Answered

Weed Related Questions

Weed related questions-What’s up everyone, we are going to attempt to answer some of google top weed related questions. So grab your joints, spark up and enjoy.

Is smoking weed bad for your heart?

Is smoking weed bad for your heart

Are you about to get high but your wondering how does weed affect your heart rate? Then we got you covered. Have you ever gotten high and felt your heart starting to beat faster and faster? This is usually caused by marijuana itself, marijuana increases your heart rate by 20-50 beats per minute.

The reason for this spike in your heart rate is due to your body trying to compensate for the reduction in blood pressure caused by THC. Which could cause an abnormal heart rhythm, new research has found. Currently, there is not enough research to give a definitive answer to how does smoking weed affects your hearts.

Hopefully, once marijuana is declassified researchers and scientists will be able to fully study marijuana, concerning the human body.  

Source: NGUWeedShirts

How to lower heart rate when high on weed?

A few things you can do to help lower your heart rate when high

  • First, you should drink some water to make sure you’re not dehydrated
  • You could also try to eat something to help your body calm down
  • Taking a cold shower or running your hand under cold water will shock your body helping to bring down your heart rate.
  • You could try to do a few breathing exercises to help calm down your body
  • Meditating or doing yoga will also help to decrease your heart rate
  • Drinking milk will help to bring down your high and decrease your heart rate
  • Go outside and get some fresh air and take a walk.

Is smoking weed addictive?

Is smoking weed addictive

Turns out a recent study on marijuana addiction shows that 30% of users may have some degree of marijuana use disorder. This study also showed that people who began using marijuana before age 18 could be 4-7 times more likely to develop a marijuana use disorder or addiction.

A marijuana use disorder is classified as a dependence that a person has for marijuana and their body’s reaction to stopping marijuana. This is represented through withdrawal symptoms when stopping use.

Such as irritability, mood swings, sleep difficulties, decreased appetite, restlessness & physical discomfort. These symptoms last on average a week or two, after quitting marijuana.

Marijuana dependence happens when your brain adapts to smoking large amounts of weed by reducing the production of and sensitivity to its endocannabinoid neurotransmitters.

In 2015 around 4.0 million Americans met the criteria to be diagnosed with a marijuana use disorder. Out of those 4.0 million Americans, 138,000 sought some form of treatment.  

For me, I think marijuana can be addictive for some people. There are a lot of marijuana users that have to or at least want to smoke weed every day. Then you got people who just smoke a few times a month.

I never really understood, how someone could just smoke like a few times a week. I think that these people have not developed a dependency or an addiction to weed. Making it easier for them to just casually smoke. I think there are a lot of contributing factors that help determine if a person will develop a weed dependency.

One factor could be your personality do you have an addictive personality? If so then you might be more likely to develop a dependency. Environmental factors also play a role. Are you in an environment where weed is always available? Then this might also cause you to consume more marijuana. Both factors can help to increase your overall consumption, which could lead to dependency.

If you’re afraid of becoming addicted to weed, moderation is the key. Take a break a few days a week. This will help to ensure that you won’t become addicted or dependent.

Source: Drug Abuse

Is smoking weed bad for cats?

Is smoking weed bad for cats?

Ever wonder how does marijuana smoke affects your cat. You might be thinking they eat catnip that’s almost the same thing. Turns out catnip does not work on all cats. Only a small percentage of cats who ingest catnip feel euphoric or high. Marijuana on the other hand can give your pets an intense high.

That could cause a variety of unwanted symptoms including extreme sleepiness, hypersalivation, dilated pupils, seizures, vomiting, low blood pressure, or even death. Your cat body is not equipped to handle large amounts of THC.  

You may be thinking but I have seen medical marijuana products for cats. This is true but usually, those products are low in THC & high in CBD. There is currently no study that shows the safest amounts of THC & CBD a cat can safely ingest. Pet owners usually have to go with a trial and error approach. A lot of cat owners have used CBD based product to help relieve their cats of joint pain and various illnesses.

If you feel as though your cat has ingested too much marijuana or smoke the safest thing to do is take them to the vet. Also, give them water to help push out the THC and to keep them hydrated.

On a side note, every animal is different, I am sure there are cat owners out there that probably blow smoke in their cat’s faces every day, without any lasting problems or issues. So just be safe…

Is smoking weed a felony?

Is smoking weed a felony

Currently, marijuana is the most used illegal drug in the United States. Marijuana is currently decriminalized in numerous states across America but does that make weed legal? The answer is no even though some places have chosen to decriminalize marijuana, it’s still illegal across America on a federal level.

Federal law currently classifies marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug, first offenders can receive up to one year in jail and a minimum of $1000 fine. Your second marijuana arrest then becomes a felony. If you intended to sell it, then you’re looking at further actions as well being taken against you.

Some states across America have decided not to follow federal laws and just support state-enforced laws when it comes to marijuana.

Why does weed make you laugh?

Why does weed make you laugh

Are you high and trying to figure out, why everything Is so funny. First of all, you probably have a good strain of weed, lol. So what’s the scientific reason why you laugh more while high? One reason is smoking weed gives you a detached perspective, which gives you the ability to see the world from an altered view.

This helps your brain to interpret your surrounding differently than you would normally. Marijuana also causes divergent thinking, this gives you the ability to make connections out of unrelated things and concepts. This happens in the right hemisphere of your brain. Where cognitive processes are interpreted like humor or sarcasm. An increase in blood flow to this part of the brain can cause everything to suddenly be funny or even improve creativity.

Another reason for laughing while high. Could also be the fact that Marijuana, naturally lifts your mood and perspective. Marijuana helps to release dopamine, which helps your body to feel good and relax making it easier to laugh.

Source: Pot Guide

Can smoking weed make you angry?

Can smoking weed make you angry

When you think of smoking weed, you might be thinking of someone happy or laughing. But what about the people who have negative experiences while smoking pot. Certain people’s bodies just don’t react well to marijuana. Marijuana is usually not the cause but a contributing factor. This could be caused by marijuana exasperating underline mental or emotional conditions. Which could make users irritated, stressed, or paranoid.

A study from the Alcohol and Drug Institute at Washington University shows a link between cannabis and aggressive behaviors in users during withdrawal periods.

Source: Lead Desk

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