7 Benefits of Cannabis for Muscle Recovery

 Cannabis for Muscle Recovery

Cannabis for Muscle Recovery: Marijuana has long been known only as a psychotic drug, but recent studies are starting to shed more light on the benefits of this plant.

Before the twenty-first century, there was little research about cannabis, and most of the existing studies focused on its adverse outcomes rather than the benefits.

Consequently, marijuana was illegal in most countries.

Things have started to change, and many countries have introduced legislation that now allows the use of marijuana as a medicinal or recreational product.

You are now more likely to find a cannabis dispensary within your neighborhood or online if it is legal in your country.

Cannabis is a complex plant that contains various types of cannabinoids, some of which are beneficial to the human body.

Studies on the interactions of these compounds and the human body have led to the discovery of the human endocannabinoid system (ECS). 

ECS is a neurotransmitter system that controls many body functions, including appetite, emotions, sleep, pain, and more. 

The CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain are so named because they act as receptors to THC.

The most studied and better-understood compounds found in cannabis are delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).

As a recreational drug, THC is the major component and mirrors the neurotransmitter anandamide, which gives bliss, joy, or delight to the person when activated.

THC functions in a similar manner and gives the user the blissful feeling associated with smoking marijuana. THC is also associated with hypothermia and hypoactivity.

CBD is less understood in terms of its interactions in the body, but scientific evidence shows that it potentiates the effects of THC and even offers more medicinal benefits.

Some studies have also established that CBD can negate the negative effects of THC, leading to more beneficial outcomes.

Based on these medicinal and psychoactive properties, marijuana may have a high potential for exercise improvement.

Benefits of Cannabis for Muscle Recovery

1. Pain Alleviation

Scientific evidence has shown that marijuana products can negate certain types of pain. Most research has been on chronic pain, but studies are starting to look into short-term pain as well.

In experimental studies, it has been found that the peripheral nerves that sense pain contain several cannabinoids receptors, indicating the role of cannabinoids in pain pathways.

Cannabinoids have an inhibitory action on these receptors; hence, reducing pain sensation. Cannabis has long been used in the pharmaceutical industry to produce analgesics.

The active ingredients in the drug Sativex used in the treatment of chronic pain resulting from multiple sclerosis are THC and CBD.

Another drug known as Nabilone is made from cannabis products and is useful in the treatment of chemotherapy-related sickness.

Medical researchers believe that the same effects on pain can be beneficial in treating Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS).

DOMS occurs when the muscles become sore and stiff, following a strenuous task. This is the body’s response and recovery mechanisms to prevent further damage to muscles.

Studies have proven that marijuana can numb this pain and allow your muscles to recover faster so that you can resume regular physical activity.

  1. Boosts Testosterone Production

Boosts Testosterone Production

The body needs lots of energy during exercise. You need strong muscles that can store enough energy to help you exercise effectively and more efficiently.

Testosterone is a male reproductive hormone and is mainly involved in the building of muscle bulk and strength. This is why many bodybuilders inject themselves with testosterone.

There is inclusive evidence in this line, but preliminary research indicates that marijuana could increase testosterone levels. This offers a safer alternative to boosting testosterone levels.

A recent study conducted in Denmark to measure the level of testosterone in male users found that marijuana smokers had higher testosterone levels than their non-smoking counterparts.

The study also found that these levels were higher in recent users rather than heavy users.

More research is still ongoing in this field, but these findings indicate the potential for marijuana in boosting strength and fitness. 

3. Anti-inflammation

Any type of strenuous exercise will definitely take a toll on your muscles, which will reflect in terms of pains and aches. The underlying cause of these discomforts is inflammation.

When muscles tear during exercise, white blood cells and prostaglandins see this as a danger and rush in to initiate repair. Prostaglandins are anti-inflammatory cells.

While this stretching of muscles is beneficial when doing exercise, the body does not recognize it as such and will fight and repair the damage.

Sometimes, when the damage is too much, the soreness can last for days. Instead of waiting for the body to self-pair and lose valuable time, you can give it a boost.

Studies have proven the anti-inflammatory properties of marijuana, and their efficacy in humans has been established.

CBD is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties and even used in the treatment of conditions such as arthritis.

Another less known compound known as terpenoid, also found in the marijuana plant, has been shown to be anti-inflammatory.

A recent study published in the Journal of Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research found that terpenoids reduce inflammation but through a different pathway to CBD.

4. Reduced Muscle Control

The goal of heavy exercise is to exploit concentric muscle contractions to build strength. As the muscles contract, they undergo hypertrophy, which means increasing growth.

Each muscle, therefore, will lengthen as more stress is applied and the muscle fibers, or myofibrils, will divide and grow as well. This is how you build more mass and muscles.

The inhibition of motor neuron activity has been established in marijuana and is actually the basis for its use in managing neurodegenerative diseases.

This is due to the antioxidant properties found in cannabinoids.

Using marijuana may, therefore, help in reducing muscle control after exercise, which is a good thing as your muscles will be able to relax and grow properly.

5. Protein Synthesis

Your muscles need an adequate amount of proteins to grow as you exercise.

This occurs through a natural process of protein synthesis for the repair of damaged muscles. Unlike alcohol and other drugs, cannabis has no adverse effect on this process.

Recent studies have shown that there could be beneficial effects of CBD on protein synthesis.

Animal studies have found that CBD has a regulatory effect on a mTOR signaling pathway that controls protein synthesis.

However, no human studies have confirmed these results, and they remain as potential benefits. More studies will explore the benefits of marijuana in muscle protein synthesis.

6. Increased Appetite

You need to eat adequately for your body to get the nutrients and energy required for exercise. Without enough fuel, which is carbohydrates, you will not be able to achieve much.

Athletes can collapse or even die in tragic cases when they push their bodies to the limit without adequate energy.

If you are struggling with appetite and it is affecting your training, then marijuana might help. Many cannabis users have reported feeling hungrier after taking the pot.

However, scientific evidence behind this has only been recently documented. THC is the compound responsible for the increased appetite by its interaction with CB1 receptors.

CB1 receptors stimulate sections of the brain that regulate appetite and the limbic forebrain that makes food seem delicious.

Besides, marijuana also increases various metabolic processes in the body, which ultimately increases appetite.

7. Muscle Relaxation

Marijuana is an excellent muscle relaxant, and this property has been utilized in its use to treat muscle spasm caused by Parkinson’s disease.

If you engage in strenuous exercise or activity, you will notice that you will have muscle spasms. This is an involuntary process and can interfere with your daily activities.

Also, people suffering from certain muscle conditions may have these spasms. Muscle spasm is treatable using antispasmodics and antispastic.

These medications, however, have dangerous side effects, including lowered blood pressure. Marijuana can also offer the same benefits but with fewer adverse side effects.

Current research suggests that marijuana can offer equal outcomes as prescription drugs.

Cannabis also has an added advantage in that it treats pain, insomnia, and many more conditions.

People suffering from different conditions that need to take multiple medications can take marijuana products as a one-in-all drug.


While primarily known for its psychoactive properties, marijuana is gaining popularity as a medicinal plant.

Limited research has been conducted on the plant with a focus on only THC and CBD, out of the over 500 compounds found in marijuana.

These compounds have shown actual and potential medicinal and recreational benefits. More studies will help to fully explore its therapeutic potential.

Natures Gift Unlocked-cannabis for muscle recovery


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