6 Amazing Benefits Of Cannabis For Tourette’s Syndrome

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6 Amazing Benefits Of Cannabis For Tourette’s Syndrome

Cannabis For Tourette’s Syndrome

Cannabis For Tourette’s Syndrome (TS) is a condition where the nervous system behaves erratically, sending involuntary signals to the brain, causing sudden jerking movements or repetitive vocal sounds called tics. There is currently no cure for this syndrome, and according to the Tourette Association of America, about 1 in 100 children in the USA are diagnosed with TS or tics related disorders.

Currently, the treatment for TS involves either behavioral therapy or anti psychotic drugs. Behavioral treatment is less effective. The anti psychotic medicines do subside the tics, but they have known side-effects, including depression and obesity.

A third alternative is emerging to tackle TS in the form of natural cannabis. Cannabis or marijuana is a wonder plant that has many potential health benefits for neurological and anxiety disorders and pain management.One can have something for everyone at industrialhempfarms.com. Cannabis has mainly two chemicals- THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (Cannabidiol). THC causes the psychoactive high, whereas CBD is the non-psychoactive compound used for many medicinal purposes. Cannabis promises some fantastic benefits in tackling the tics in TS and some of the commonly associated co-symptoms of Tourette’s. Here are six of those amazing health benefits of cannabis for Tourette’s Syndrome.

Cannabis for tics in TS

Tics are the primary symptoms of Tourette’s syndrome. The exact cause of the tics in TS is unknown, but according to NINDS, the tics in Tourette’s Syndrome originate from the aberrations in the motor controlling areas of the brain like the cortex and frontal lobes and their neurotransmitters. These regions are responsible for voluntary movements in the body, like motion and voice. Whatever the reason for tics be, the children and adults suffering from TS do not have any control over the intensity and the timing of these motion oriented or vocal tics.

A research conducted on TS patients with cannabis intake shows that the cannabis extracts with a CBD to THC ratio of 1:1 or cannabis with higher THC manifested a lower number of tics as compared to TS patients who did not take cannabis. The reasoning behind this observation seems to be the theory that THC affects the neurotransmitters in the abnormal region of the brain, and suppresses the tics. Therefore, cannabis with high THC might help reduce the tics in TS patients.

Cannabis for ADHD in TS

ADHD or Attention Deficit or Hyperactivity Disorder is another co-occurring symptom of TS, and almost 80% of TS patients show this symptom. In ADHD, you are not able to concentrate, and you get hyperactive. Individuals with ADHD suffer from frequent irritability and agitation.

According to a study, cannabis with decent THC content can help reduce the symptoms of ADHD. Cannabis treatment might be able to regulate the activity of an ADHD individual to a reasonable level of performance by influencing the central cannabinoid receptors. Not only the performance, buy cannabis procured from canada weed dispensary might also be able to calm the irritable behavior and mental state of ADHD individuals.

Cannabis for sleep disorders in TS

Cannabis for sleep disorders in TS

Another common co-symptom of TS is a sleep disorder. Almost three-quarters of the TS patients suffer from poor quality of sleep. According to a sleep study, there are mainly four reasons why TS patients have decreased sleep quality. Most TS individuals have higher sleep latency, i.e., the time it takes for them to fall asleep from an awake state. It has to mainly do with the anxiety that they face because of the uncontrollable tics. Another reason for poor sleep is the reduction in non-REM or deep sleep time. Also, the dream phase of sleep, i.e., Rapid Eye Movement time of sleep reduces for TS patients. Finally, TS patients may also experience tics during sleep.

Cannabis with higher THC, a study shows, helps early onset of sleep, thus reducing sleep latency. Cannabis with high CBD content improves sleep cycles. A study showed CBD improved sleep relaxation and helped with optimum REM and deep sleep cycles. Thus, cannabis can help alleviate insomnia issues during Tourette’s Syndrome.One can also germinate their own marijuana plant at the comfort of their home.All they have to do is buy green crack feminized seeds from reputed distributors.

Cannabis for anxiety in TS

Due to the social awkwardness faced by children and adults suffering from tics and uncontrolled behavior, they often come under a lot of stress. As per the Tourette Association of America, almost 90% of them develop chronic anxiety as a symptom. They have trouble developing social relationships and continuously act in fear.

Cannabis’s most revered health benefit is its ability to manage stress and anxiety. Numerous testimonials ranging from athletes to people under depression talk about the potential of cannabis in handling anxiety. For example, this study shows that CBD at all doses can help manage stress. CBD interacts with the CB2 endocannabinoid receptors in the body, releasing the reward hormone dopamine and reducing the stress hormones oxytocin and cortisol. Thus, cannabis with high CBD content and low THC content can help alleviate anxiety for TS patients. As a caution, avoid THC rich cannabis as that can increase stress in the body.

Cannabis for OCDs in TS

OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a condition where a person has repetitive thoughts or repetitive activities/behaviors. Again, TS is not just about repetitive motion or tics; most TS patients between the age of 15-70 years suffer from OCDs as per this study.

Cannabis with high THC content showed a reduction in motion urges, including a reduction in compulsive behavior according to this study. Along with that, the concentration of the patient also improved after vaping cannabis. Therefore, cannabis might help reduce compulsive behavior in TS patients.

Cannabis for behavior or conduct issues in TS

Another common symptom of TS patients is their sudden anger outbursts, especially prevalent in children. Some children might show socially inappropriate conduct that can be self-harming or can potentially injure others.

Cannabis might help relax some of these behavioral outbursts. There is growing research that marijuana can lead to better anger management. Anger or aggressive behavior causes the body to go into high stress releasing the stress hormone cortisol and adrenaline. Study shows that CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid receptors to create a balance by reducing the stress hormones, thus potentially leading to a calmer state of mind. Cannabis might help TS patients to cope with aggressive behavior.

To sum it up:

It is difficult to control the tics and muscle movements if you or your loved ones are suffering from TS. However, cannabis might show you a way to regulate some of the common symptoms of TS.

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