CBD & Weight Loss-Five Ways CBD Helps You Lose Weight
CBD & Weight Loss-Healthy weight loss is possible, thanks to CBD –also called medical marijuana – is becoming more popular. It has managed to gain limelight, with recent legalization and increasing popularity. But do you know what it is? Do you know how to consume it? Do you know how it can benefit you in terms of weight loss? Keep reading to find out the answers to these questions.

What is Cannabidiol (CBD)?
CBD popularly called “Magic Elixir” is an organic compound derived from the cannabis plant. It is a cannabinoid, just like Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). CBD is known to be effective for treating various health problems as it is pleasurably relaxing and can help control anxiety, seizures, pain and Cancer. This is because it (CBD) targets serotonin receptors in the brain. It has managed to make itself an essential part of every industry from medicines to cosmetic products, from health to beauty, from Oil to food; it’s found in everything. Today, more and more people are using it as a part of a holistic wellness approach.
These receptors make up our endocannabinoid system. On Earth, all vertebrates have such a physiological communication system. In humans, it is responsible for preserving immunity and regulating metabolism, amongst many other functions.
Unlike THC, the effects of CBD are not psychoactive. Indeed, this molecule is extracted from an industrial hemp plant carefully selected so as not to exceed a THC level of a maximum of 0.2%-0.3%. It doesn’t induce any high in users and you can enjoy all the benefits of CBD oil Oregon without worrying about any “High” effects. Thus, its consumption does not cause any risk of alteration of the nervous system or disturbances of perception.
Besides, in the authorized sale of industrial hemp, the THC rate does not exceed 0.2% (UK/Europe) and 0.3% (US). Hence, more Cannabis dispensaries are offering therapeutic marijuana for sale.
CBD: How To Use it And Its Benefits?
CBD comes in different forms ranging from CBD tinctures, gummies, capsules, drinks, and vape pens, and they are available in any good cannabis dispensary. Whichever form you prefer, the final destination is your bloodstream. The edibles, gummies, and drinks will take the digestive system route while the vape pens go through the lungs (Respiratory system).
The contribution of CBD is not negligible for human health, and its healing properties are increasingly recognized scientifically. It plays the role of painkiller, anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, anti-psychotic, anti-tumor, and anti-emetic. It can relieve arthritis, insomnia, multiple sclerosis, stress, etc. It can also treat addictions, help people with epilepsy, and people suffering from Alzheimer’s.
Studies even show that it could prevent the proliferation of cancer cells. What is certain is that it can help relieve specific symptoms of several diseases, and can be useful in disease treatment.
How Can CBD Promote Weight Loss?
You would think that consuming cannabis will increase your appetite, hold that thought. Unprocessed cannabis contains THC, which stimulates appetite. How? THC activates CB1 receptors in our endocannabinoid system, causing hunger.
Let’s check out these five amazing ways CBD can help you lose weight-
● CBD Blocks Hunger Receptors In The Brain.
Unlike the “Muches” effect caused by THC, a 2011 study carried out on lab rats concluded that CBD antagonizes CB2 receptors and greatly reduced the food consumption of the subjects. Furthermore, in 2016 research on humans treated with CBD oil shows the mass conversion from white fat to brown fat.

Additionally, taking cannabidiol also affects serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for our “attacks” of sweet cravings. You are no more throwing yourself on the piece of cake left in the fridge, or on the last packet of cookies lying around in the cupboard!
● The Links between Obesity And Our Endocannabinoid System
Humans endocannabinoid system is made up of CB1 and CB2 receptors. However, the over-activation of CB1 receptors could increase the risk of obesity, which would promote the onset of diabetes.
With cannabidiol, we can regulate appetite and reduce the chances of being overweight. Indeed, this molecule would act to block the CB1 receptors present in our body. Also, it is known to regulate the blood sugar level, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
● Synthesises Production of Fat Cells
The active principle of therapeutic cannabis also acts on lipogenesis- the synthesis and production of fat cells. By stimulating “good fat”, the herb with a high cannabidiol level can help the body to burn more calories. This “good fat “, called “brown fat”, burns energy to convert it into heat. It is that fat that naturally keeps the newborns warm. On the other hand, “bad fat” or “white fat” is usually found in excess and is responsible for obesity.
● Helps Multiply Mitochondria.
CBD from High Supplies can help to multiply the mitochondria and promote their activity, which has a beneficial action on fat transformation and weight loss.
Additionally, the endocannabinoid system is linked to our immune system. By strengthening our metabolism, cannabidiol allows us to repel harmful substances that could make us gain weight.
● CBD Consumption Increases Anandamides Levels.
Anandamides is a neurotransmitter referred to as the “Happiness molecule” because of its feeling of Euphoria similar to THC. Thanks to its effects, there is no risk of snacking to compensate for a lack, there is no sulking in front of a healthy dish, there is no reluctance to go out or exercise, and we can void the risk of being overweight by having fun!
Weight loss never happens overnight; it takes time. You should have the patience to see the changes in yourself. Many factors in everyday life can affect our quality of life: stress, poor sleep, being moody. However, more research and clinical trials are necessary to understand the effect of CBD on humans. We can safely say it is a safe, healthy, sustainable, and completely legal weight loss hack.