Does Weed Affect Sleep & Does Weed Affect Your Dreams

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Does Weed Affect Sleep

Does Weed Affect Sleep

Does Weed Affect Your Sleep? A lot of people ask this question. We are going to take a look at current research and studies to better answer this question. 

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How Does Weed Affect Your Sleep, Marijuana and Dream Loss

A study was conducted at the University of Michigan, to decide, does marijuana affects a person’s sleep patterns. This study used 98 participants. Who were divided into 3 groups, daily marijuana users, non-daily marijuana users and a controlled group.

Participants could not be on any sleep medicine or work the night shift, among other variables.  Researchers learned that daily weed users had a higher level of insomnia at almost 40%. For non-daily user about 10% of participants showed symptoms of insomnia. While the controlled group was at 20%.

Research also wanted to learn how does different aliments factors into this insomnia. Examiners soon realized that if they controlled the variables for anxiety and depression the reported difference in insomnia levels disappeared.

“We don’t know if our participants started using [marijuana] to treat anxiety and developed insomnia or if they used [marijuana] to treat insomnia and developed anxiety,” she explained. “Additional studies looking more specifically at these relationships will help us better understand this relationship.”

Currently researches can’t come up with a definitive answerer because there are too many factors and variables to consider. More test are needed. I think that smoking weed at night, for some people actually helps put them to sleep. While others might smoke and just be up thinking.

Source: University of Michigan Weed Study

marijuana and dream loss

Marijuana and dream loss

Marijuana can affect your REM sleep. The REM stage happens when your body is fully sleep and your brain starts to make up dreams, during this stage of sleep your dreams become more vivid and real. Weed suppresses REM sleep. This makes it more difficult for a person to dream or even remember their dream if they had one.

When you stop smoking weed do you dream more?

When a person stops using marijuana they become more likely to enter REM sleep. Which would help to increase dreams and your ability to remember your dreams.

Scientist call this the rebound effect, all of your suppressed dreams are returning in full effect, once you stop using cannabis. For a short amount of time your dream will become more clear and vivid.

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