Cool Facts About Nature & The World Enter Now

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Cool Facts About Nature & Your Body

Cool Facts About Nature

There are many things about the world we still don’t know. We are going to take a closer look at the many wonders of the world. While exploring exotic animals, cool plants, mysteries of nature and facts about the human body, etc. Our goal is to bring you cool info about nature and life in general.

Nature is a complex system designed to be the home for both humans and animals. You will find that nature has everything you would ever need to live a healthy life. While there is a lot of things nature offers to help contribute to our health. There are also a lot of things found in nature that could be harmful to one’s health & body.

A mysterious plant found in Columbia is being called the Scopolamine plant or the zombie plant. This plant gets its name from how it affects your brain. If inhaled particles from this plant will take away your free will and ability to control your body or think for your self.

You would become subject to listening and acting on suggestions. So whatever someone tells you to do, you will do. There are over 50,000 people that fall victim to this plant a year, in Columbia.

There are many urban legends and myths when it comes to this plant. One famous story is about a man that comes home one night to find his house was robbed. So he goes down to talk to the front desk too, ask what happen. The front desk informs him that he came in yesterday with a few friends and said he was moving out. They also told him that he helped carry his stuff out. They soon realized that he was drugged and robbed.

Columbia has also seen an increase in assaults and night clubs and bars. But it’s not what you think. Victims are usually older foreigners, a young female will try to somehow get close enough to these men, to blow particles on them. This is usually done through a kiss. Women will put a tissue up their noises. Then put a small amount of the plant up their nose. After this, a kiss is all that’s needed to get them close enough to inhale these particles. Sounds crazy I know right.

Turns out this plant does have a few good medicinal properties. That is used to treat illnesses such as postoperative nausea, motion sickness, gastrointestinal spasm, renal or Hilary spasm, IBS, and eye inflammation. So I guess this plant can be used for both good or evil. Not sure how Columbia can stop the illegal use of this plant because it grows freely throughout Columbia. So if you’re u thinking about taking a trip there just remember to stay alert and be safe.

Now let’s take a closer look at another type of plant an aromatherapy plants. Aromatherapy plants offer many health benefits. Aromatherapy is classified as using essential oil for inhalation, massages, candles, facials, incents, etc.

aromatherapy plants

Benefits of Aromatherapy-Facts About Nature

  • Stress relief
  • Sleep enhancer
  • Pain relief
  • Treating constipation
  • Reducing depression

Every essential oil will have a specific benefit concerning your body. So the key is to find a balance of oils that work for your specific needs. For example, a lavender base oil would help to relieve stress and promote calmness. While peppermint can relieve stomach pain and enhance digestion.

Essential oils can be used for many things, not just aromatherapy. Peppermint essential oil can also be used as a topical application, with many benefits.

benefits of peppermint oil

A few benefits of peppermint oil

  • Promoted healthy hair
  • Antimicrobial
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Helps with integration
  • Treats Heartburn
  • Helps with Nausea
  • Helps with sinus and respiratory problems
  • Helps with muscle pain relief

So what are the benefits of using peppermint oil on your skin? You can find peppermint oil in many of today’s lotions, shampoos, and various topical products. There are many benefits to using peppermint oil on your skin. Peppermint acts as a natural cleanser with antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Which causes a cooling effect to help to soothe irritation and inflammation.

While also helping to reduce levels of acne-causing bacteria on the skin. Before you decide to use peppermint oil on your skin do a spot test. Take a small amount of product and put in on your arm and leave it there. Wait and make sure your body doesn’t have a negative reaction.

If you don’t see anything after around 15 min you should be ok. Remember you should never use pure essential oils on your skin. You should always use a carrier oil to dilute your oils first. A few carrier oils you could use are coconut oil, virgin olive oil, or almond oil.

Benefits of Using Peppermint Oil in Hair

  • Reduces dryness
  • Relieves itching
  • Helps with dandruff
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Strengthen hair roots
  • Helps promote hair growth
  • Increases blood flow to your scalp

You can use peppermint oil on your hair through a carrier oil or you could add a few drops to your favorite conditioner.

Here are a few shampoos and products that are rich with Peppermint oil

Nature is full of both unique plants and animals. Every day new species of animals are found around the world. There are many mysterious animals out there, that we hardly know anything about. A dancing cockatoo helped change scientists’ perspective of birds and how they interact with the world. Studies show that this bird had developed musical, social, and cognitive abilities.

Which helped to synchronize his movements to the beat. Scientists played various songs and each time, this cockatoo was able to sync and dance to any beat. He was also able to create new dance moves to new songs. This study helped to change how we believe birds react toward their environment. Turns out there more intelligent than once thought. Would you invite this dancing bird to your next house party?

It’s interesting how this bird reacts to sounds and vibrations. I wonder if it’s the vibration or frequency of the music that animates this bird. Sound and music are both powerful tools, that we currently don’t fully understand. Sound therapy has been used for years to treat various ailments.

What is The Science of Sound Therapy?

Sound therapy is classified as acoustic engineering. Which includes the production of controlled transmission, reception, and effects of sound. Sound engineering also includes mechanical vibrations along with mechanical sound waves. Sound therapy is how your body reacts to certain sounds and vibrations.

Benefits of Sound Therapy

  • Reduce headaches
  • Increase mental clarity
  • Stress relief
  • Boost confidence
  • Increase energy levels
  • Improve mood
  • Improves organizational skills
  • Increase attention span
  • Treats depression
  • Treats stomach aches
  • Helps with joint pain relief

Sound therapy uses various frequencies and beats to treat various ailments.

Delta patter- this is a binaural beat operating at a frequency of .5- 4. Hz. This helps with entering Into a deep sleep faster.

Theta pattern- A theta pattern is a sound between 4-7 Hz. Theta patterns help to improve meditation, creativity, and sleep.

Alpha patter- an alpha pattern is a beat or sound between 7-13 Hz. Usually used to help create a sense of relaxation.

Beta pattern- Binaural beta patterns range from 23-30 Hz. This frequency helps to promote alertness on the lower end of the spectrum. On the higher end, it could cause a sense of increased anxiety.

Gamma pattern- This is a sound or vibration ranging from 30- 50 Hz, which serves to help promote arousal while a person is awake.

Have you ever used sound therapy if so how did it turn out? Comment Below

To learn more about sound therapy click here

Facts about your eyes that you maybe didn’t know.

  • Your eyes focus on 50 different objects every second
  • It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open
  • Your eyes can process 10 million different colors.
  • Your eyes can detect a candle flame from 1.7 Miles away
  • Only 1/6 of your eyes is visible
  • The average person blinks 12 times a minute

We hope you enjoyed this post. If you know any cool facts about nature or the body comment below.

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