How Did Weed Come to America & Weed During Slavery

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How Did Weed Come to America & How did Weed Get So Strong

How Did Weed Come to America

Welcome fellow stoners todays stoner session post will cover topics like, how did weed come to America and how did weed get so strong. Relax grab your blunts or bongs and enjoy todays stoner session.

Have you ever gotten high and wondered, who actually was the first person to bring marijuana to America? Or am I the only one lol. This is what I found out, there are a few theories on the origins of weed in America. I am going to share a few with you and my opinion.

Theories How Did Weed Come About in America

  • A lot of scholars believe that marijuana came to America by way of Christopher Columbus in 1492.
  • Some people believe marijuana popularity began in Brazil and Chile and then spread across the world
  • People also believe that the hemp plant came to America during the slave trade during the 17h century
  • Another theory is that it was brought to America by the Portuguese then spread to Jamaica and Brazil. With the main use to keep slaves calm. Weed was known as the colored people drug.
  • Many also believe that herb came to the US after the Mexican Revolution of 1910 to 1911. After refugees came crossing the boarders bringing marijuana with them.

There is currently know definitive answer on the origins of weed in America only theories hopefully new research and studies will give a clearer answer.

Source: VIce

My opinion about a few of these theories. I am not sure if I really believe this theory about Columbus. Just because all the evil that Columbus did in America and around the world. I find it hard to believe Columbus would give the Native Americans or slaves anything that would help them in anyway. Then again if your trying to control a group of people, I guess it would be easier if they’re high and calm. So maybe he did bring it. It’s crazy to think that during the slave trade marijuana was used to subdue slaves in a way. Makes me wonder if that’s not what its being used for now. I also wonder if the slaves did smoke marijuana did that make them question there circumstances and rebel against certain things. Or did the marijuana just make them easier to manage.

How Did Marijuana Become Illegal in America

Eventually marijuana became seen as a black and Mexican drug. This helped the government to pass the marijuana stamp act, which made marijuana illegal to consume and sell. The scientific evidence submitted to the courts was all base in speculation and theories. America always gives you something to destroy you, then once you find a way to make it beneficial or good for you they take it away. I guess marijuana was ok when it was used to subdue the slaves, but once black and brown people started questioning laws, policies, and just the overall tone of the country at that time. That is when there mission switched to trying to make it illegal. During court procedures arguments ranged from marijuana is a drug that makes black men seduce white women and smoking weed makes Mexicans murder white people. This was the beginning of how weed became illegal in America.

How Did Weed Get So Strong

How Did Weed Get So Strong

How Did Weed Get So Strong? If you’re an older marijuana user, I am sure you can see a difference in both quality and strains available in today’s markets. Marijuana has become stronger over time from various reasons. Growers and farmers are able to generically modify strains to make them stronger and stronger. In 1975 the average stain of weed only contained around 1% THC and just under 3% in 1985. Weed levels on average stayed the same into the 90s. That’s when we saw a raise in THC levels going from an average of 4% in 1995 to 12% in 2014.

There has been strains reported with THC levels as high as 33.12%. Today a cannabis concentrate can reach up to 90% THC levels. On average most people today consider anything over 15% good weed. It seems as our tolerance goes up marijuana THC levels follows. With so many brand and companies selling weed. We will continue to see companies making stronger and stronger stains trying to gain more market shares and profits. Another factor is the more potent weed is the less people have to smoke to get high. Which intern means less weed you have to grow and transport or hide illegally. With the rise of medical marijuana users,  patients need different strains, at various THC levels which is done by breeding plants and developing concentrates.

Source: Gizmodo 

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