How To Talk To Your Kids About Weed, Best Conversation Starters

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How To Talk To Your Kids About Weed

how to talk to your kids about weed

A few ways to start the conversation and important topics you should cover.

How to Talk To Your Kids about Weed: Starting the conversation with your children should go the same as any other conversation you may have with them. Approach the conversation as if they are grown. This is because marijuana does have real world and grown consequences if misused or abused, so they should be completely aware of all aspects of weed.


Ask them to tell you everything they know or heard about weed? Then ask them have they tried weed before. At this point your delivery and reaction will play a huge role going forward. This will set the stage for you to be the go to person they talk to, if anything ever happens. If you react badly they will keep everything from you, from now on. If you react calm they will feel comfortable talking to you about anything. After you have established if they have smoked weed before. Now it’s time to educate them on as many aspect of marijuana as possible.

How to talk to your kids about weed n

Talking Points

  • They need to know current and past laws, for weed around the world. Just to help them get a global understanding of the conversation.


  • They should also be aware that it’s not just a means to getting high, talk about the many medical benefits, marijuana offers patients around the world. Show them real world examples of people being treated with cannabis.


  • They should be aware of the current marijuana arrest rates, such as 750,000 people are arrested each year for pot


  • You should also tell them the difference between recreational smoking and medical use


  • There should also be a understanding about how marijuana can be a gateway drug for some people.


  • Let them know never buy weed from someone they dot trust and never smoke a blunt they didn’t see being rolled.


  • Another important talking point is marijuana, that might be laced with something else. This is a serious concern because again most time we are buying from street level dealers. So there is no way of knowing what you’re actually getting. They should know the difference between good weed and suspicious weed. Let them know how to test the weed threw smell or taste when you’re smoking. Then let them know if they ever buy weed that makes them feel weird or strange throw it away and erase that dealer contact. If your lucky enough to live in a legal state, hopefully you could just help them get medical weed, at least you will know it’s safe.


  • You may be asking, but should I let my son smoke weed at home? I would say yes, if you find out your child is smoking weed and you ban them from smoking at home. I am sure there just going to smoke and even more outside your house. At least in your house there in a controlled comfortable environment. If you force them to smoke outside the house or force them to stop, they will just rebel. If done right they will go months without you even suspecting there still getting high.


  • Ask them what there reasons is for actually wanting to smoke? Are they just trying to get high, calm anxiety or just experiment? It’s important to understand what’s there goal or objective.


Draw a Line in the Sand With Clear Deal Breakers, if you allow them to Smoke

  • You should write up a clear contract, this might sound to adult but smoking weed is a adult decision. They need to have a clear understanding of whats acceptable and what’s not. If they can’t follow these terms maybe there not mature enough to be smoking.
  • One stipulation should be if your attendance at school ever goes down because you’re getting high, you will no longer be able to smoke.
  • Another if you can’t smoke weed and maintain your grades and a GPA of at least a 2.33, then there is no reason you should be smoking.
  • You could also include other stipulation and things they need to do in order to be allowed to smoke. Such as chores. This one as a parent, you will be able to get them to agree to clean anything. 

What age should I let my kid smoke weed?

People often ask what age should I let my kid smoke weed? I think this depends more on the maturity level of the child. On average I would say between 15 and 16.

How To Tell If My Child Is Smoking Weed

.You might be thinking if my child was smoking I would know. Reality is if they want to hide it they will. Simple eye drops and spray goes a long way to cover up a high. There are a few things you could notice, that would be a good indication if they’re getting high.

  • Did their behavior change toward you or being home?
  • Are they hanging out with a new set of friends?
  • Are they eating more than usual?
  • When you’re around them do they seem spaced out?
  • Are there grades dropping in school?
  • Are they always asking for money but you don’t see them buying anything?
  • Do they seem more irritated than usual?
  • The best approach will always be just ask them are you getting high?

If you’re still trying to figure out should I let my child smoke weed? Think about this did you listen when your parents told you not to do something and did your friends listen to their parents. With that being said you rather be a part of their circle then on the outside looking in.

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