Enjoy Interesting Facts about Weed
Interesting Facts about Weed: Marijuana has been painted as unworthy of any form of recognition, of any benefits for years. Science and researcher are changing the overall perception of weed. People are learning new facts and info about marijuana, helping to change the public perception. Threw years of miss information marijuana true role within society was hidden.
Today with the internet, researchers are able to collaborate and share data all around the world. This has help to speed up the advancement of marijuana research and studies. We are going to share with you a few fun facts about weed, they did not teach you in school.

- Teens don’t smoke more weed in legal states vs non legal states. The consumption level are about the same.
- Currently in America over 750,000 people are arrested every year for marijuana related crimes.
- Scientific research has shown that weed compounds can freeze and stop some forms of cancer from spreading.
- An interesting fact about smoking weed, is that 100 million Americans admit to smoking weed at least once.
- Researchers have found that marijuana effect men and women differently. A study in 2014 concluded that females were more sensitive to cannabis painkilling quality which may lead to a tolerance for weed and could lead to a dependency. This is caused by higher levels of estrogen.
- Traces of marijuana has been found in the air in places with high consumption rates. A study in 2012 found that in the air around the Colosseum and the Pantheon Italian cities. Researchers found psychotropic substances including cocaine, marijuana, nicotine and caffeine in the air. Scientist also discover that Florence and Bologna has the highest concentration of weed in the air.
- A hospital in North Carolina saw a increase in babies being born with weed in their urine. Doctors first thought that these mothers were all using marijuana while pregnant. Turns out that a study was conducted in 2012 that discover that certain soaps made for babies like Johnson & Johnson and Aveeno can cause a false positive during a marijuana urine test. Even though these test come back as a false positive, there is actually know marijuana being pass to the baby.
- In 2013 Uruguay made a bold move and made weed legal to grow, sell and consume.
- The first weed related arrest happen in Denver, Colorado on October 2, 1937
- Currently in Colorado weed dispensaries outnumber Starbucks 3 to 1.
- “Explorers” found 789 grams of weed in a 2,700 year old tomb in China In 2008. I wonder how much a gram is going for though, would you have smoked it?
- The Declaration of independence was written on hemp paper.
- James C Munch was hired by the U.S Government to test the side effect of weed. His research lasted form 1938-1962. Dr. .James took his years of research and testified under oath. Smoking weed turned me into a bat. So after years of researching and studying this is the conclusion you come up with. I think maybe his weed might have been laced. Or maybe you were just bat Sh#t crazy to begin with. Who knows but that would have been an interesting smoke session.

We hope you enjoyed these interesting facts about weed. Some you may have heard about before, while others may be new facts and concepts. Either way we hope you enjoyed this page.
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We hope you enjoyed these interesting facts about weed. Some you may have heard about before, while others may be new facts and concepts. Either way we hope you enjoyed this page.
Natures Gift Unlocked-Interesting Facts about Weed