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We Hope You Enjoy Todays Stoner Session Post

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What’s up everyone, we hope you are enjoying your day so far. If you’re at work or school, keep hustling. Today’s stoner post is going to be about new technologies and developments, within the marijuana industry. While also bringing you exciting info and marijuana-related facts. Grab your blunts or bongs burn one and enjoy. Remember marijuana smokes the same in every language. Fellow stoners enjoy and turn up.

New Hemp Base Products

Developers and builders are seeing the financial and structural benefits, of using hemp base building materials. Builders are using hemp, wood fibers and lime products to create light concrete. Developers are starting to grow crops for building material, from seed to harvest is four months. It will be interesting to see how hemp changes different industries, over the next couple years. Full Article Hemp Houses

Cars Made Using Hemp

hemp car
There are many forms and types of cars made from hemp, in today’s markets. The first car made from hemp was from Henry Ford. Ford was the first to make a car 100% from hemp. Today there are other companies making and developing hemp base cars. A Florida resident decided to try his hand at building his own hemp base car, using over 100 pounds of woven hemp. The compacted hemp is reported to be 10 times more dent-resistant than steel. The car costs $200,000 to build, it runs on bio fuel made from recycled waste products. I think that with a price tag of $200,000 that’s a little high for the average person. Companies that are able to mass produce will be able to cut cost and lower prices. To read full article click here

Hemp Base Burger

The hemp base burger is made with protein and hemp seeds as the main ingredients. The burger also has chia seeds, crafted seaweed, and sprouted beans & grains. The new hemp burger is giving vegetarians new alternatives, for a more flavorful meal.

Clothing Made From Hemp

Many designers are starting to see the benefits of using hemp within their clothing lines. The average hemp shirt is made of 60% hemp and 40% cotton.

Hemp Base Sunglasses

The hemp base shades are both eco-friendly and awesome. These glasses will bring stoner swag to any outfit. The hemp glasses are made 100% with hemp base products. Would you rock these hemp base glasses?

Marijuana News & Developments

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Currently marijuana-related business, are finding it hard to find banking. Even though marijuana is legal, medically or recreational in multiple states. Banks are hesitant, to allow marijuana business to use their services. In fear of breaking federal laws. Since marijuana is still illegal on a federal level. All money can one day be seized by the government for unlawful earnings. This puts marijuana business in a vulnerable position. Most cannabis base companies deal strictly with cash. This is the reason a security guard in a high volume dispensary, can make up to 100k a year.

Dealing with so much cash can be dangerous for any business owner. Even with all the benefits of allowing marijuana banking. A congressional committee voted to reject a measure to allow marijuana business to bank, without federal intervention. I think that eventually, the federal government will have to recognize marijuana-related business and opportunities it will bring. The government cant rejects a multibillion-dollar industry. There is no other industry growing and developing like the marijuana industry. The 420 industry will bring in billions over the next couple of years. While also creating thousands of jobs and opportunities for entrepreneurship.

Bud & Breakfast

Would you stay at a bud & breakfast spot? The below video is a company that offers you the opportunity to enjoy marijuana while on vacations. 

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