Global Ganja Survey: Understanding Cannabis Use Globally
As the legalization of marijuana continues to spread across the globe, we wanted to gain insights directly from users. We conducted a global survey, asking marijuana users from various countries about their usage habits, reasons for using, and experiences with the drug. In this article, we’ll delve into the survey results to provide a comprehensive look at how marijuana is being used and perceived around the world.
“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”
1. I first started smoking marijuana when i was 16.
2. I live in Louisville KY & smoking marijuana is still illegal.
3. One reason marijuana should be legalized is because It’s heals not kills marijuana kills different types of cancers.
4. On average I smoke all day like 6 or more a day
5. The reason I smoke is to keep you guys safe lol. Seriously though I have a really bad temper an I get mad very easily to where I punch something before I know it and when I started smoking I don’t hit sh#t anymore & I don’t get that mad either.

1. I first started smoking in 2005
2. I live in Brazil and marijuana is illegal here.
3. I think marijuana should be made legal to help promote world peace.
4. I smoke marijuana everyday
5. The reason why I smoke marijuana is that i just like to.

New Mexico
1. I first got introduced to marijuana when i was 13.
2. I live in Las Cruces New Mexico and no marijuana is not legalized.
3. Marijuana should be legalized to help show people marijuana isn’t that bad.
4. I smoke all day every day.
5. I smoke to help me with my health condition.
New Mexico is protesting in support of marijuana legalization
1. I was 14 when I first started smoking.
2. I live in Tennessee and it’s not legal my home state Wisconsin. They have legal medical but there is a small charge if your caught with marijuana.
3. Marijuana should be legalized because its way safer than anything else and it cure’s thousands of things.
4. I usually just smoke when i travel or when i find the time.
5. The main reasons i smoke is to help my eye sight, my back pain after work and to stay calm.

1. I started smoking around age 20.
2. I live in Malaysia & marijuana is illegal
3. I think marijuana should be legalized because it’s what our bodies need for it to activate ecs. The endocannabinoid system is a group of endogenous cannabinoid receptors located in the brain and the central peripheral nervous system. This system helps with appetite, pain-sensation,mood and memory. Marijuana helps with this process
4. Here you have to hide and smoke, but i smoke every night unless I am out of stock.
5. I mostly smoke for a good night sleep & I enjoy it.
1. I first started smoking at age 12.
2. I live in Louisville KY. and it’s not legal.
3. Marijuana should be legal because it can
kill cancer cells, stops seizures and helps many other ailments.
4. On average i smoke as much as possible.
5. The reason i smoke is for pain, anxiety, depression and as a sleep aid.

The Dominican Republic
1. I started smoking around 12.
2. I live in the Dominican, marijuana is currently illegal.
3. I believe that marijuana is an asset to the world.
4. I smoke marijuana whenever possible.
5. Honestly i just smoke because i enjoy being high.

1. I started smoking marijuana at 28.
2. I currently live in Michigan and marijuana is legal with a marijuana card.
3. Marijuana should become legal because It can help people with medical conditions.
4. On average i usually smoke ever other day.
5. I smoke medical marijuana to help treat my depression,insomnia & high anxiety.

Washington DC
1. I started smoking at 15.
2. I live in Washington D.C. & marijuana is legal but you have to smoke in your house.
3. I think that marijuana should be legalized because to many people are locked
up due to outdated policies and procedure. Also there are to many medical benefits
for marijuana to still be illegal.
4. I usually smoke everyday unless my connect is out or money is low.
5. The main reason i smoke is because it helps me to relax and center myself.
It’s also helps me to stay stress free.

Marijuana In South Africa
1. I started smoking when i was 13.
2. I live in South Africa and ganja is illegal.
3. Marijuana is harmless and it is healthy & marijuana has multiple purposes.
4. If I’m not at work i’d smoke the whole day.
5. When i smoke I’m calm lemme say i stay focus on whatever I do.

New York
1. I started smoking at age 8.
2. I live in New York & marijuana is still illegal but we are on the verge of being legalized, it was stated on the news that New York is gonna be the next state to legalize marijuana.
3. Marijuana should be legalized throughout the U.S.A. for recreational us because crime rate would drop and the government would make more money. I don’t see why they’re so against it but it should be legalized because it also helps with a lot more than people realize.
4. I usually smoke everyday if i have it.
5. The main reason i smoke is because when i was a child i was a devil child, then my buddy got me to smoke a blunt and it calmed me right down. I also smoke to help manage my episodic mood disorder, bipolar anxiety, sleep apnea and severe depression and yes it helps with all.
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