Benefits of Medical Marijuana
People Smoking Weed, one big misconception is that all smoke cause cancer. The reason why so many people believe this is because your breathing in smoke. These claims have not as of yet been proven true. Tobacco causes cancer because the tobacco has been radiated. This is not a factor with marijuana. Marijuana has been shown to slow down tumor growth in the breast ,lungs, and brain. Many people use marijuana during chemotherapy to control nausea, vomiting, and fatigue.
How Marijuana Helps With Sizures
Marijuana can be used to relax your muscles. Cannabis has been a proven method to help control seizures. In many cases the only way a person who Suffers from this can live a normal life.
Migraines and Weed
A study in California shows that doctors have been able to help more than 300,000 patient suffering from migraines. When no other medicine were effective. The healing power of cannabis worked.
Glaucoma and Weed
Marijuana has become one of the best method of helping people deal with
Multiple Sclerosis and Weed
People suffering from multiple sclerosis experience muscle spasm this disease can be debilitating for some people. marijuana helps to make this disease more
Tourette’s and OCD
Cannabis slows down tics associated with this disease.
A USC study showed that marijuana is a great alternative for Ritalin. Cannabis
treats this disease without any of the side effects found in Ritalin
IBS and Crohn’s
Marijuana help with nausea, abdominal pains and diarrhea associated with this disease.
Does weed help Alzheimer’s
In a study in 2006 at the Scripps Institute researchers found. That cannabis blocks
the deposit in the brain that cause Alzheimer’s.
Premenstrual Syndrome and Weed
Marijuana can be used to help relieve cramps and discomfort. This method dates back to Queen Victoria.
Benefits Of Medical Marijuana
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Health Benefits Of Weed & Reasons Why Do People Smoke & Medical Marijuana
Benefits of Medical Marijuana
Medical Marijuana dispensaries are quickly becoming the new pharmaceutical companies, for patients suffering from a variety of problems.
Marijuana has many positive effects on your health and overall body. Scientist may have discovered another potential health benefit of marijuana. Researchers from the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research have found that a chemicals in medical marijuana might just help build strong bones.
THC & CBD Medical Marijuana User
Tel Aviv University injected CBD in one group of rats with mild bone fractures. They then injected another group with the same type of fractures with both CBD & THC. Researchers found that rats who received both CBD and THC, had healed better than rats who received just one or a saline mixture.
The studied showed that Benefits of Medical Marijuana are endless. Researchers found that CBD & THC together has the potential to enhance bone regeneration and increase the bones strength.
Maybe one day CBD & THC, can be used to help patients recover from bone lost or damage. We once thought that drinking milk was the best way to increase our bone health. CBD and THC are about to throw that notion out the window.
Medical Marijuana & Medical Marijuana Purposes
What Is THC?
THC Is naturally found in your body but in lower levels than you would get from smoking it. THC stays in your body longer than any other drug. Your body is aware of the health benefits of THC . Your body does not try to get rid of it. So What Is THC?
Medical Marijuana Users
Tetrahydrocannabinol is a chemical compound that gives marijuana its euphoria effect. THC engage with your nerve cell receptors. Cannabinoid receptors are associated with thinking, memory and your pleasure perception. There are more cannabinoid receptors in other parts of your body. That helps relieve stress and pain. THC stimulates your brain making it release dopamine which creates euphoria. Your high usually last about 2 hours depending on the strain.
What Is CBD
CBD is the healing power found in marijuana, it does not get you high it restores your body. CBD is a compound found in marijuana that has a lot of medical uses. Many patients use CBD for anti-inflammatory, anti-pain, anxiety, and spasm.
Doctors and Scientist are trying to better understand this part of the plant. CBD has the potential to be a universal drug treating for, many illness. Such as Rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, MS, chronic pain, schizophrenia, ptsd, epilepsy and cancer.
THC & CBD oil together is believed to cure-all forms of cancer, no matter what stage or type. The THC & CBD come together & attack all abnormal cells and turn them back normal. Treatment is usually 90 days. Consuming 60 grams of both oils during this time. The average cost for a 3 month supply is around 1200-5,000. Most cases I have found, most people were cured. There was a scientific study that used 100 patients with all different types of cancer, there was a 90% success rate. So why is it illegal in most places. This method is less expensive and has a shorter treatment time. Fighting cancer with chemotherapy an surgeries can cost $100,000s of dollars. Giving the Health Care Industry more profits.
Pros & Cons of Marijuana Treatment for AIDS Patients-Medical Marijuana
We are taking a closer look at the Pros & Cons Of Marijuana Treatment for AIDS Patients. First we have to understand what is AIDS?
AIDS Stands For Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
-Immunodeficiency-means that AIDS is classified as a weakening of the immune system. Meaning your body does not produce enough white blood cells to fight off infections and viruses.
-HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is the virus that causes AIDS. HIV is transferred by way of infected blood, semen or vaginal secretion. Through broken skin or your mucous membranes.
Marijuana is currently a schedule 1 drug. Meaning any drug with little to no medical use. So this makes it harder for doctors and scientist to actually do research on marijuana.
Research Done So Far On Marijuana & AIDS
Pros & Cons Of Marijuana Treatment for AIDS Patients & Medical Weed
The Institute of Medicine concluded in its Mar. 1999 report titled “Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base”:
“The profile of cannabinoid drug effects suggest that they are promising for treating wasting syndrome in AIDS patients. Nausea, appetite loss, pain, and anxiety are all afflictions of wasting, and all can be mitigated by marijuana. Although some medications are more effective than marijuana for these problems, they are not equally effective in all patients. A rapid-onset (that is, acting within minutes) delivery system should be developed and tested in such patients. Smoking marijuana is not recommended. The long-term harm caused by smoking marijuana makes it a poor drug delivery system, particularly for patients with chronic illnesses.”
Mar. 1999 – Institute of Medicine
“Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base” (988 KB)
The American Academy of HIV Medicine (AAHIVM) stated in an Oct. 8, 2007 Reason Magazine
When appropriately prescribed and monitored, marijuana/cannabis can provide immeasurable benefits for the health and well-being of our patients.”

Feb. 16, 2003 – Kate Scannell, MD
Aug. 15, 2007 – Margaret Haney, PhD
“Objective: To determine the effect of smoked cannabis on the neuropathic pain of HIV-associated sensory neuropathy, and an experimental pain model…
Patients were randomly assigned to smoke either cannabis (3.56% thc) or identical placebo cigarettes with the cannabinoids extracted three times daily for 5 days…
Conclusion: Smoked cannabis was well tolerated and effectively relieved chronic neuropathic pain from HIV-associated sensory neuropathy. The findings are comparable to oral drugs used for chronic neuropathic pain.”

Marijuana Effects On The Brain
Marijuana effects on the brain. There are many different studies and test. Some test have drawn conclusions, saying marijuana has a negative impact on the development of our brain. When used in your teen years. Other research and information shows the opposite. Live Science says marijuana does not have any negative effects on the brain. We will take a look at both views points. Currently no test or study can draw a definitive conclusion because there are to many variables. Factors we must consider are environmental factors, prior health, mental health issues and other drugs or substances present in the body. So until we can better control the variables the outcomes will always very. Current studies of marijuana affects on the brain.
Marijuana & Your Brain
The National Institutes on Drug Abuse, conducted a study to answer this question. How does marijuana effects the development of our brains. While studying different animals and humans exposed to marijuana. Researchers found that using marijuana during key developmental stages in life. Has the potential to cause long-term problems. Rats that were given THC at birth or during adolescence showed notable problems with learning and memory functions. Studies also showed a cognitive distortion in adult rats, with a structural and functional change in the hippocampus. Rats also developed an altered reward system, making them more likely to try other drugs.
There is a lot of conflicting information about marijuana. An imaging study of the brain structure of marijuana users. Has shown that regular marijuana use in young adults, can causes altered connectivity and reduced mass of specific brain regions such as memory, learning and impulse control. Other studies have found no prof of structural damage to the brain in association to marijuana.
Long Term Marijuana Study
There was a 25 year study on marijuana and brain development. Researches at the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults took 4,000 people and monitored them through out the years. First before their exposure to anything, up into their first introduction to marijuana. The study showed that marijuana users were associated with low test scores on verbal memory. It also showed that marijuana use, did not affect any other cognitive abilities like executive function and processing speed. Marijuana effects on the brain will very person to person.
New Zealand Marijuana Study & IQ
New Zealand is also trying to better understand the long-term effect of marijuana. Their research showed that weed side effects may actually lower your IQ. A large longitudinal study showed that marijuana use in adolescence, was associated with a loss of an average of 8 IQ points in adulthood. Teens who heavily smoked marijuana then stopped during adulthood never regained lost IQ points. The study also showed that adults who started using marijuana after adolescence showed no change in IQ. So in conclusion, the New Zealand study shows that marijuana use in adolescence may have a greater impact on your body because your body and brain is still in its key developmental stages.
As of today we do not fully understand marijuana role in association to our bodies. So we can’t draw any final conclusion, with the limited amount of data and research currently available. Marijuana effects each individual user differently.
Remove marijuana from being a Schedule 1 drug
With marijuana being a schedule 1 drug, research is hard to conduct. A schedule 1 drug is any drug to have little to no medical benefits what so ever. So this scheduling makes it almost impossible, for scientist and researchers to properly study marijuana and its effects on the body. Until we have full marijuana legalization on a global level. We wont be able to fully come together and share information and data to help us better understand this plant.
At what age where you introduced to marijuana?
Diabetes And Marijuana
Diabetes and Marijuana While there’s some conflicting evidence on marijuana’s role in delaying the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, research shows it is beneficial indeed for those already diagnosed with either type 1 or 2, and especially for those who suffer complications. There is more research to be done on Diabetes and marijuana. The future of diabetes and marijuana looks promising.
Marijuana And Type 1 Diabetes-Medical Marijuana User
- Marijuana and type 1 diabetes, there are some things to consider when it comes to your Type 1 diabetes. Here are some pointers on marijuana and diabetes that may help someone in making a decision on doing or avoiding cannabis
- Be very aware of altered perception – like alcohol, if you’re under the influence of a mind-altering substance, you may not be able to recognize if you’re feeling “low” or “high” in terms of your blood glucose levels. Know that your general perception may be inaccurate or faulty.
- Check your BGLs often – because of altered perception, you should check your blood sugar at regular intervals to be sure you’re in a safe range.
- Keep your tester nearby – for your convenience and ability to test when needed
- Be careful of the “munchies” – because hunger can be a side effect of marijuana, you may want to eat … a lot, so be sure to give yourself insulin for exactly what you plan to consume. (You know the drill.)
- Don’t forget “edible” carbs – this may seem obvious, but while the forms of smoked or vaporized marijuana have no carbs, your edibles do. A “pot cookie” for example has the carbs that any other cookie would, so give yourself insulin accordingly. If you buy from a dispensary, dietary details may be labeled, but if they’re not, you will have to ask.
Marijuana and Type 2 Diabetes
Although marijuana has a well-deserved reputation for increasing appetite via what stoners call “the munchies,” the new research, which was published in the American Journal of Medicine, is not the first to find that the drug has a two-faced relationship to weight. Three earlier studies have shown that marijuana users are less likely to be obese, have a lower risk for diabetes and have lower body-mass-index measurements. And these trends occurred despite the fact that they seemed to take in more calories. If you have type 2 diabetes consult with a medical professional before use.
Medical Marijuana
The use of medical marijuana has come a long way with research. We have to look at the medicinal factors of this amazing plant. Marijuana has gotten a bad reputation for to long. Making users feel like they are criminals in spite of the laws in many states that has made it legal. Every person is different so do your research on the subject.
Recreation Marijuana use
Diabetes and Marijuana-Medical Marijuana User
More Info- Weed & Diabetes
Medical Marijuana Has Saved The Lives Of Thousands Of Kids, Should It Be Legalized for Children
Many people in today’s society are on the fence, about giving medical marijuana to children. The main argument is your giving your kids a control substance. That will alter their mood and personalities. On the flip side, this same medication is keeping a lot of these children alive. Do you think parents should have the right to give their kids medical marijuana? Or should they just stick to traditional forms of medicine? Everyone asks why do people smoke weed, truth is everyone smoke for different reasons. Smoking marijuana should be apart of your civil liberties. There is a group of kids who are using marijuana for various treatments. These kids are being called the cannabis kids. Watch the video below and enjoy. Like & Comment
After watching the video has your views or perspective changed? Or are you still hesitant about giving medical marijuana to children? It will be interesting to see the changes that marijuana, will force the medical industry to make. Soon the medical community will not be able to ignore the true healing powers of this plant. Currently those in power are aware, if marijuana is every full utilized for all its properties. A lot of business would fall over night. Suppressing the availability of marijuana has never been about patients using marijuana. It has always been about the monetary loss within many markets and segments marijuana would cost. The medical industry would be hit the hardest. With so much profits coming from pills and medicine. They will fight to keep these profits going. It will be up to the people to walk away from a lot of today traditional forms and seek out more natural cures. This will force the pharmaceutical industry to adapt or fall.
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Medical Marijuana & Spiritual Benefits Of Marijuana
What’s Marijuana role in today’s society. Medical Marijuana has been around for thousands of years. People have been using this plant for everything from religious and spiritual devotion. To making clothing and ropes. With so many health and spiritual benefits, As well as helping stimulate our economy. Marijuana benefits are endless. Marijuana is branding herself as a universal answer. Here are a few benefits that Marijuana can offer our Society.
Medical Marijuana
The health benefits that marijuana offers has been documented all over the world. Marijuana treats everything from depression to cancer.
Scientific Marijuana Study
Scientist at California Pacific Medical Center, have been studying CBD for 20 years. Scientists Say that CBD has the ability to turn off DNA cells that cause cancer in the breast, brain, prostate and other parts of the body. There currently working on new and improve delivery methods. A product called Can Chew a CBD-enriched gum. Studies also show that CBD is a powerful pain reliever, but without the euphoric effects found in THC. Marijuana to me is going to be a universal drug for a wide array of illnesses everything from aids, cancer, depression, anxiety and MS.
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Medical Marijuana Is The Future Of Medicine
Marijuana helps MS patients dealing with spasms numbness, fatigue and mobility problem and loss of balance or vision. Many patient take extensive amounts of Medical Marijuana to cope with the pain and agony associated with MS. Marijuana helps to maintain the right chemical balance the body needs.
A Documented study was a 46-year-old woman name Michelle X, and her journey with MS. Michelle was first diagnosed at age 21. Michelle lived a very active lifestyle before her diagnoses. She did everything from horseback riding to riding motorbikes. MS made these activities 10 times more dangerous, because Michelle body could lock up and spasm. Michelle started to get active in her search for self-preservation. She participated in different studies and experiments trying to stop her pain.
That’s when Michelle was introduced to Medical Marijuana as a means of treatment. So Michelle bravely stopped taking all her steroid medication, and decided to go full force using cannabis. Michelle started trying cannabis in the morning, when her pain was at its peak. She was shocked that the Medical Marijuana worked so well. Michelle reported to have no spasms or shakes and her body did not seize up. She also said that her body felt more relax. Without this plant Michelle would have not been able to live a normal pain-free life. Montel Williams has been an advocate for the benefits of marijuana while dealing with MS. Montel says marijuana helps him physically and spiritually.
PTSD and Medical Weed & How It Helps Veterans
PTSD and medical weed has been a go to treatment method for a lot of today’s veterans. See veterans who smoke weed and stop taking prescription pills.
Government official are given researchers the green light to allow Medical Marijuana testing, for veterans with PTSD. As reported by This study has been approved by the Department of Health and Human Services on March of 2014, but was stopped by the National Institute of Drug Abuse. The government is now making the National Institute of Drug Abuse, supply the medical marijuana needed for this study. Hopefully vets will soon be given medical marijuana cards. With so many uses of medical marijuana, PTSD may become a thing of the past.
PTSD is a problem that many war vets face coming home. After seeing so much war and destruction, coming back home to a normal life can be hard to cope with. With over 20% of Iraq War Vets having PTSD this is a growing problem for our soldiers. Recent studies and research shows that on average 22 veterans commit suicide everyday. Suicide rates have risen by 50%, compared to their civilian peers.
Our solders fighting for our freedom, should not be left in the cold. It’s already hard to fight a war, you don’t truly understand or agree with but to come home to little to no resources is a shame. A lot of solders have difficulties coming back into society, having to act normal when you have seen so much is hard for anyone.
Veterans Who Smoke Weed
Dr. Suzanne Sisley is one of the leading research fighting for veterans with PTSD. She conducted studies in Maryland and Arizona. Dr. Suzanne was let go from her job due to the nature of her research. Dr. Suzanne was later given a $2 million grant by Colorado to continue her marijuana research.
This study will have 76 veterans participate, they will either smoke or ingest one gram of marijuana daily. Researchers will be given Vets one of three strains of marijuana and a placebo effect.
If this study is successful, it will give VA physician the ability to recommend medical marijuana, to veterans suffering with PTSD. We need to learn as a whole how to treat our veterans better. America trains them for combat and war, but does not show them how to properly come back to society. They are disregarded as being crazy or less than.
This is simply not true. Veteran deserves all the support they can get from our country and fellow Americans. America we must do better. We will find it difficult in the future to get people to sign up for war, without the proper care needed for long term survival. If you have never suffered with PTSD, you will never truly understand the magnitude of this problem.
We Support Our Troops Even When We Don’t Support War
Do you believe Veterans should be allowed to freely use marijuana?

For More Info on Veterans & Weed Click Here
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Natures Gift Unlocked-Veterans Who Smoke Weed and Talk PTSD
Medical marijuana helps smokers of all ages
Many people around the country are signing up for medical marijuana. Marijuana treats a wide array of illnesses such as Cancer, Aids, Multiple sclerosis, pain, glaucoma, epilepsy and many other conditions. Medical marijuana dates back to biblical times.
The medical benefits of marijuana has been well documented. There are thousands of people that could actually benefit from its therapeutic use. Many people are now able to live normal productive lives with the use of cannabis. Some people say marijuana has relieved there anxiety and depression allowing them to work and live their lives. There is no age range for medical marijuana patients from young to old people are seeing the benefits of this plant.
In the future we will see a vast improvement of medical marijuana once all the natural benefits are understood. Marijuana could then be better used to help patients. In this field more research is always in development. Watching this research unfold will be interesting. From young smokers to old smokers the benefits are there.
Our stoner blog is for Marijauan supporters around the globe. So it doesn’t matter if you’re getting high in Ireland. Or smoking joints in Cali. we want you to enjoy your high with us. Stay lit
Natures Gift Unlocked-Medical Marijuana