Explore the World of Psychedelic Art with Mind-Bending Images

Stop WTF you are doing and checkout this page full of trippy pictures, creative artwork and mind blowing facts. Trippy Vibes & Cool Pictures
Are you searching around the web for cool trippy pictures? Then you will enjoy this page. Full of creative pictures found around the web. We are sure you’re going to enjoy this collection of optical illusion pictures, trippy gifs and mind blowing facts. Grab your blunt or pipe and lets go. You may also like these cool 420 drawings, click here

Are you high searching for cool trippy pictures, then you have found the right page. Our collection of trippy images are sure to intrigue you. Who doesn’t like to get high and look at a trippy picture. The below collection of images are some original pics & some are just dope trippy images, found online.
What I like about trippy pictures and just wired art work. Is that it really does not have to make sense. The goal is just to express whatever your feeling at the time. Then again artwork will always be interpreted different by each observer. Enjoy the below selection, grab your blunts or bongs and toke up. Collection of Cool Pics
















Trippy Facts Surreal Pictures That Will Take You on a Trip

- Almost all heavy elements (everything but Hydrogen, Helium, and a bit of Lithium) comes from stars that have gone supernova. You are made of stars.
- The solar system is in orbit around the center of the Milky Way. We’re moving at about 483,000 miles an hour.
- There are more molecules in a cup of water than there are cups of water in the ocean.
- There are almost more atoms in a grain of sand, than there are grains of sand on Earth.
- The word “bed” looks like a bed. Also… shark
- The phrase “rule of thumb” is derived from an old English law which stated that you couldn’t beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.
- Polish is the only word in the English language that changes meaning and pronunciation with capitalization.
Source: Top 50 Trippy Facts
Trippy Laws Around The World
- In Montana, “proxy weddings” are allowed for those serving in the military, which means a friend can pretend to be the groom or the bride and the union will still be considered valid. In some cases both the bride and the groom are absent.
- In Arkansas there still exists a law that was instated in the 1800s that states a husband is allowed to beat his wife, but only once a month.
- In Rhode Island, a union can be considered invalid under the grounds that the party is deemed to be, collectively, an idiot or a lunatic.
- In Arizona, having more than two vibrators in your home is illegal. If you own more than two in your house, you can be subject to criminal possession.
- In Iowa, it is illegal for a man with a mustache to kiss a woman in public.
Source: Top trippy laws around the world
Visionary Art: Stunning Trippy Images
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Natures Gift Unlocked-Trippy pictures to look at when your high