Weed and Spirituality-Weed Blog
Weed and spiritualty ascend into the unknown. Learn how various societies used marijuana for everything from spiritual devotion to meditation. Awaken Souls
Spirituality and Weed, marijuana benefits have been known for centuries. Through misinformation and the media the true use has been lost in time. People all around the world use marijuana for religious purposes. Many believe marijuana is not just a means to getting high, But actually a way of elevating your consciousness.
Marijuana helps stimulate your brain cells. Most important marijuana stimulate your pineal gland in your brain. This gland is referred to as many different names including the third eye. The third eye represents the universe and everything and everyone being connected Weed and Spirituality.
Scientists are not sure exactly how this gland works. Through stimulation some claim to have awaken this gland. Many have reported being more spiritually connected to the universe while this gland is activated. This gives them the ability to see the world and the universe through a new perspective. Many have reported these incidents to have profound impacts on their lives. Whether you believe in these practices or not many do. People are beginning to see the world for the complexity that it has.
Some people believe our brain is a transceiver of information designed to keep the illusion of a static three-dimensional world. When your bran is inhibited by marijuana it then start peeling away the layers of this 3D world. This gives some users a glimpse into other layers. This can also cause an awakening of one’s inner self.
Revealing a higher or greater purpose. Once enough layers are pulled back. Such as material possession, egos, and hate. That’s when you unlock greater knowledge. In order to see the universe you have to remove the world. There are many theories on spiritual use, this is just one. Marijuana Spirituality
Many speculate the government does not want marijuana and spirituality fully exploited because The herb makes you question everything and everyone,
Weed Quote
Bob Marley said in an interview the government told him the herb can’t be legal because it makes man rebel. Bob replied rebel against what. That’s the true question
“Marijuana enhances our mind in a way that enables us to take a different perspective from ‘high up’, to see and evaluate our own lives and the lives of others in a privileged way. Maybe this euphoric and elevating feeling of the ability to step outside the box and to look at life’s patterns from this high perspective is the inspiration behind the slang term “high” itself.”
Sebastian Marincolo
Weed and Spirituality Throughout History
The Scythian
Ancient Greek people also used marijuana for religious experience. Including using marijuana for sacred ceremonies.
They believed that marijuana put them into a trance like state opening them up
to the universe.
Chinese Religion
Ancient china believed that consuming cannabis. Gave them the ability to speak with spirits and if combined with ginseng gives you the ability to see into the future.
Cannabis has been used in Hinduism religion for centuries. They used these plants to enhance their religious experience. Also they had a drink made of the cannabis. It was believed that drinking this drink would clean your soul of all sins. Stopping your soul from going to hell.
Ancient Germanic Paganism
Germanic Paganism associated cannabis with Norse the love goddess, Freya. They thought that Freya lived in the cannabis plants, So that when they consumed cannabis they were closer to her spirit.
Rastafarians believe that marijuana is the tree to life. They believe the bible
confirms this in the book of Genesis. Their belief is cannabis helps with all
forms of religious devotion. Rastafarians believe in peace love and happiness. Rasta’s
belief is that cannabis gets you closer to god.
Marijuana and Spirituality
Spiritual Benefits Of Marijuana

How does marijuana and spiritualty come together? Learn Here
There are many Spiritual Benefits Of Marijuana. In Jamaica they believe you should only smoke during spiritual devotion or practice. Many people around the world, believe marijuana opens you up to the wonders of the world.
Marijuana helps you to look pass what your eyes can see. So that you’re able to see the connection that everything and everyone has. Many people have reported having spiritual awakenings while high. After an experience like that you are forever changed. You no longer see the world the same but you realize everything and everyone are one in the same.
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Why Is marijuana illegal? Weed and Spirituality
Why does the government fight so hard to keep marijuana illegal? It has more to do with control than you think. It’s harder to control a group of people who are truly awaken. Once you fully awake you will start to question everything and everyone. That’s one problem, we can’t have you asking to many questions.
We all have been programmed to go to school find jobs and just WORK WORK WORK. Its been set up this way for a reason to keep you occupied, your job and or career will never actually matter on a universal level. It’s hard to convince woke people to go to work and just pay bills for the rest of their lives. You may be asking how or what is being woke. Woke is a knowing and or understand, its something you really can’t explain you just know.
Learn more about Weed and Spirituality
How to start to awake. First you have to identify everything that is stopping your awakening, from the music you listen to, the tv shows you watch to your perception of your reality and the people you associate with all play a factor. Woke people don’t care about material possessions or even worldly goals.
However they usually obtain everything they every dreamed of, but always keeping it in proper prospective. Marijuana being illegal was never about money, but the control of the people. Marijuana helps you to center yourself and align with the universe.
Smoking Marijuana And Spiritual Awakening
Giving you access to deeper knowledge. Marijuana stimulates your Pinal Gland found in your brain. This gland has many different name, including being called the 3rd eye. The 3rd eye represent everything and everyone being connected on a greater scale. It also represent knowledge and a deeper understanding of life.
The problem with this as a whole is once a person fully understands their 3rd eye with relation to the world. They are forever changed, and now harder to control and manipulate. Bob Marley said during an interview. He asked government officials why is herb illegal. They responded to him it make you rebel. Bob responded rebel against what. That’s the true question. Enlighten people don’t buy $20,000 jewelry or million dollar homes. Or look up to superficial characters on a stage.
They see the world for what it is. It’s hard to manipulate someone you can no longer lie two. That’s the main problem. If too many people become enlighten, it would start to unravel the fabrics of society. You would start to see how everything is planned out on a grander scale. You would see how both sides always work together for common goals and agendas.
If to many people question too many things, this would be a problem. So for spiritual use I believe there is a lot to be learned from this plant. Marijuana will continue her role in society rather its spiritual use or helping stimulate our economy.
Our economy desperately needs a new source of income. Rather you agree with Marijuana use or not we can both agree we are on a slippery slope as a nation. With dwindling resources and funds. Marijuana brings a new source of funding to the table. This money could be used to serve our neighborhood and communities.
Medical Marijuana is projected to make over a billion dollars in Colorado and Washington alone, over the next 5 years. I don’t think we can afford not to take a look at Marijuana for its potential to help our economy. Tax payers in America currently pay over 14 billion in annual taxes, which helps pay for drug enforcement. It’s safe to say that the money gained from the sales combined with money saved from drug enforcement, Could have the potential to revitalize our economy. Marijuana Projected Profits
So in conclusion marijuana has the ability to help us spiritually, physically & economically. I can’t think of any other natural resource that helps, in so many areas. It’s safe to say marijuana has a lot of potential. So will marijuana become more accepted in today’s society? Or will the benefits as a whole be lost in time again. Over the next couple years we will see.
Cannabis and Spiritualty
check out www.smokingwithstyle.com
Related Post: Marijuana Survey
Our stoner blog is for Marijauan supporters around the globe. So it doesn’t matter if you’re getting high in China. Or smoking joints in Africa. we want you to enjoy your high with us. Stay lit
Natures Gift Unlocked-Weed and Spiritualty, Does Marijuana Unlock True Self