Why Do I Smoke Weed? Self-Assessment Enter

Why Do I Smoke Weed

Why Do I Smoke Weed

Why Do I Smoke Weed-Habits form for many different reasons and triggers. The main reason habits are formed is through repetition. We all have habits and traits that are innately apart of us. Habits are formed and develop over times. Analyzing one of my habits and picking one was tricky for me. I have chosen to use the habit that affects my life the most. For me, smoking marijuana is one habit that I just can’t stop.

There are many reasons why people smoke weed. One reason is to deal, with stressful situations without breaking. This habit was developed when I was in high school. This habit would follow me into my adulthood. For me, this habit was not formed from peer pressure or outside sources. I made a conscious decision when I was 15 to try marijuana for the first time. I remember it like it was yesterday.

Why Do I Smoke Weed

I was at a party, and I could smell the smoke in the air. I remembered walking up to a group of people. I didn’t even know. I asked them if I could smoke and that it was my first time. They were cool they let me smoke. I think I was a little persuaded by my surroundings. Marijuana was not something bad to the people around me. Everyone freely smokes marijuana were I am from. So even before I started smoking, marijuana was always within arms reach.

There are many reasons why I smoke weed on a daily. One reason it helps me to stay calm and focus on the bigger picture of life. Another reason for me it helps me be creative in my work. I have tried to stop smoking marijuana. I stopped for about ten months. I learned a lot during that time. What stuck out the most to me was the change in my personality.

I was more responsible for my bills and rent. I had a lot of extra money after I paid bills. What I noticed was during the time I had taken a break from smoking. I also put down all my aspirations hopes and dreams. All I did was work and come home like I was programed. I never missed a day from work. For me it was a tradeoff, I was given up being free and creative. My bills were paid on time every month, but I was not happy. Once I smoked again, it was as if I woke up. At this point, I had been at my job for about three years. I was working on Navy Boats at the time. Once I smoked, I started picking up everything I had let go.

I started by working on my projects and goals. Through smoking and contemplation on my life. I reenrolled in school to further my education. I also decided to turn my hobby/habit into a business. I decided if I love smoking marijuana so much, why can’t I turn it into an actual job. So I started my first website. What was crazy within my first week I had made money. This was a couple of years ago before all the national support to legalize. What happens to that site was. I got a phone call one day from a random lady. I was not even sure how she had gotten my number. Long story short she informed me that I was breaking state and federal laws by posting about marijuana. She informed me that my site had been deleted.

Reasons I Smoke Weed

I was shocked in my eyes nothing I was doing was illegal. I was just spreading information about marijuana. I ended up making another site the site I have now. I just spread the positive benefits of marijuana to my audience. I decided to turn something I like doing into a career. I am slowly building my audience. Most important I like what I am doing. So yes I did try to stop, for me, I would rather be creative and care free. I know I have to be responsible but I don’t have to be stressed over life.

I think for me this habit was formed from the personal construct theory. This for me was my way of understanding and creating my reality. This habit in a way helps me to change my perspective of my environment. I could look pass everything negative that was going on around me and just focus on the good. ( Friedman & Schustack, 2011, p. Ch7).


 self regulation

I also think that this habit gave me a sense of self-regulation. This habit allowed me to quit my head and focus on goals and objectives. I was able to see myself achieving things in life that I could not see before. Through forming this habit, I was able to push pass my fears and try new things. I currently set different goals for myself. Some are long-term goal, and some are short term. I am trying to take control of my life and my destiny on my terms. Through self-regulation, I have learned to stay focus and keep on working towards my goals. .( Friedman & Schustack, 2011, p. Ch7).

Radical Determinist

 Radical Determinism

Using personality behavioral influences on forming my habit. I would have to say that Skinner radical determinist, says that my habit was formed more from an environmental level than internal influences. I think in a sense this might be true. The environment around me did help shape and form this learned behavior. I think that your environmental factors are a key component in molding an individual behavior and actions. ( Friedman & Schustack, 2011, p. Ch6).

How I would apply conditioning to help change my habit. I would have to change the consequence or the feeling I get from this habit. I would do this by trying to associate it with something bad. So I could tell myself that it’s hurting me physically and emotionally. I would have to change my view on marijuana as a whole to apply this principal or theory. I would have to see the negative

consequences of my habit. I would have to just focus on all the negative aspect; an try to stop associating it with pleasure. Once I change my view on my habit. Then I can start to try to change my habit. Many people associate habits with being strictly something that is just environmental or self-
Taught. Somethings are just innately apart of your behavior and or structure.

When trying to break old habits and form new ones, there are many theories on how to properly go about this. We have all heard the notion of the 21-day habit. The idea is that if you can go 21 days not doing something you’re able to break a particular habit. This understanding to me is false. You might stop doing whatever your habit is physically but on a psychological level, the habit is still there. There is a reprogramming process that is required. You can’t put a timeline on stopping bad habits and developing new ones. The goal is to set micro goals for yourself to achieve. To help yourself to develop better habits and traits. Without putting so much pressure on yourself. With the right approach, we all can change things we don’t like about ourselves.

Developing habits good or bad takes time. We learn new behaviors through repetition, we get used to doing something, and it becomes a part of our behavior. Some habits can be healthy for use such as exercising every day. Some of our habits may not necessarily be as healthy for us. These are the habits we try to change. Our lives are filled with different trigger that makes us develop certain habits and behaviors. Habits start out from repetition then eventually become more automatic, and we are less conscious of it. The same way a habit is formed is the same way we can break free from them. It starts with actively trying to change and through repetition you will eventually automatically stop.

For me determining which theory actually rings true to me. I would have to say it’s more Self-Regulation ’s me attempting to control my emotions and my perspective of my perceived environment. We all form habits for different reason and purposes. At the end of the day, it’s all for self-perseveration.

Why do you smoke weed? Comment Below 

why do people smoke weed

People often ask why do everyone smoke weed. The reason will be different from person to person. What ever your reasons smoke responsibly and be safe. 


How to build good habits: A playbook for lasting change

How Habits Are Formed

. ( Friedman & Schustack, 2011, p. Ch6)

For more reasons why people smoke weed click here

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