Hidden Mysteries of Nature, Plants, Animals, Sound etc

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Nature Healing Plants & Hidden Mysteries of Nature

Hidden mysteries of nature

Hidden Mysteries of Nature-Nature is full of wonders and things we don’t fully understand. We are going to take a closer look at nature, mysterious animals, sound therapy, and much more. We are going to bring you cool facts and about nature, life, and your body. Hope you enjoy this page full of interesting content.

Natures full of things to help keep our bodies healthy. Nature provides a wide selection of medicine and remedies from various plants. Check out these plants with amazing healing properties, to help you live a healthier life.


Nature healing plant

Gingko is a plant found in China and is believed to be one of the oldest homeopathic plants. Gingko leaves are used to create capsules, tablets, extracts, etc. The Gingko plant is also known for boosting brain health and treating patients with mild to moderate dementia. Which can help to slow cognition decline.

Gingko Could Also Be Used To Treat
• Eye Health
• Alzheimer’s Disease
• Inflammation
• Diabetes
• Bone Healing
• Anxiety
• Depression

Things to consider before trying
• Long- term use may cause thyroid and liver cancer, which has been seen in rats
• Gingko can interact with blood thinners
• Side effects can include headaches upset stomachs, dizziness & allergic reactions.

You should discuss all the pros & cons with your doctor before using Gingko as a method of treatment.


nature healing plants
Turmeric is another plant that you may be familiar with, this plant is used all over the world for everything from cooking to preparing medicines. Researchers believe that Turmeric has many healing properties including the ability to prevent DNA mutation. Turmeric can also be used as an anti-inflammatory. Studies have also shown that Turmeric applied topically can relieve arthritis and joint pain. When used in food turmeric makes any meal rich with antioxidants. Turmeric use dates back to around 4,000 years ago.

Turmeric Can Be Used To Treat
• Arthritis
• Pain caused by inflammatory diseases
• Stopping DNA mutations
• Treating skin infections

Potential Risk Factors
• Long- term use can cause stomach problems in some users
• Turmeric also has a low bioavailability, which makes it hard for your body to break it down. That’s why combing turmeric with pepper, is the best way to bring out all its healing properties. While also helping your body to absorb more benefits.

Healing plants can be used in many different forms not just as a herb for food or a created medicine. Another type of healing plants is aromatherapy shower plants. You may have heard that aromatherapy plants but have you heard of aromatherapy shower plants? Aromatherapy shower plants can help reduce bacteria, absorb moisture, and improve your bathroom’s air quality. One of the most used plants in a bathroom has to go to the eucalyptus plants. Which offers many healing properties including helping with respiratory issues and relieving stress and anxiety.

aromatherapy shower plants

Aromatherapy Benefits
• Stress management
• Alleviate pain
• Improve mood
• Encourage relaxation

When deciding which plants to use. Remember you have a wide range of choices you could use everything from lavender, rosemary, mint and lemongrass etc. Depending on your needs and wants you may have to experiment with different plants until you find what works for you. If your looking for a plant to help with sleep. Then you may want to use something like lavender or eucalyptus. Or your goal maybe is to wake up and be alert, then you might want to try a peppermint plant. Which has properties that will help give you energy and wake you up.

Plants offer many nutrients to help you live a more healthy lifestyle. Plants turned into essential oils also have many benefits. Including helping with your hair and skin. So what are the benefits of using essential oils in your hair?


Benefits of Using Essential Oil in Your Hair
• Strengthen roots
• Improve blood flow & circulation
• Stimulate cell growth
• Rejuvenate dry scalps
• Sooth inflammations
• Hydrate you hair
• Prevents scalp itching

In order to get the best results try to find the right combination of oils that works for your needs. Remember never apply oils directly to your scalp always dilute oils with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil.

When it comes to the sciences of healing plants and herbs there is still a lot we don’t know and more research is needed.

Hidden Mysteries of Nature

We are going to take a closer look at trees and see how they are more dynamic and complex than once thought. Here are a few facts about trees you may don’t know

facts about trees

• When trees are thirsty or their water supply has been cut off, they scream. This is done at an ultrasonic level so it can only be heard through equipment that can measure sounds and vibrations.

• Did you know trees can track days alongside how much sunlight is in a given day. This helps to prevent premature blooming and allow trees to only bloom once the season is right.

• Trees just like humans need sleep and rest. Without proper sleep, trees can face life-threatening issues. Some house plants die due to exposure to lights at night affecting their sleep patterns.

• A tree can be much larger and far-reaching than what meets the eyes. One tree in Utah Nature National Forest was found to have roots reaching as far as 100 Acer’s. While branching out into over 40,000 roots.

• Trees can detect when they’re under threat by animals or insects. This is done by analyzing the saliva of the attacker. Then the tree releases pheromones to warn other trees about the attack and to ask surrounding insects for help.

When it comes to plants and animals, there is still a lot we have not discovered. But what about the ocean. Earth is mostly water and undiscovered regions. So what lies under its surface? What are a few mysterious animals in the ocean?

Mysterious Animals in The Ocean

vampire squid
• The vampire squid gets its name from its ability to turn it’s self inside out if threatened. Just like a vampire black cloak. This squid is also covered in fleshy spines. If agitated they will shoot out a bioluminescent blue mucus, to distracts potential threats long enough to escape.

Angler fish
• The Angler fish looks more dangerous than it is. This fish features some frightening looking teeth but he is not a hunter. They use a growth on their head to act as bait for smaller fish. Once a fish comes closer they attack.

• The tigerfish can feature many different colors and patterns. Their bright colors are usually enough to catch people’s eyes. But their human-like teeth is what makes you take a second look. The tigerfish can be found around tropical and subtropical climates.

These animals might have you not wanting to get back in the water…

facts about sharks

A few cool facts about sharks
• Sharks don’t have bones but more of a cartilaginous tissue system.
• Most sharks have great eyesight and can see well in dark areas.
• Sharks can sense electromagnetic field threw their nose, eyes and mouth.
• If a shark is turned upside down, they will enter into a trance state.
• Sharks date back to around 455 million years.

There are a lot of things underwater that are both fascinating and scary. But what about forces of nature that we cant see Such as wind or sound. Sound & vibrations have been used in different forms for centuries all around the world. To treat various issues. We are going to take a closer look at the benefits of sound therapy as a treatment for health problems. While also looking into who were some of the first people to use sound as medicine?

Sound therapy is the use of sound and vibration to cause different chemical reactions within your body to promote healing and rejuvenation. Sound therapy became mainstream in 1789 when an article was published in a Columbian Magazine titled “Music Physically Considered”. This was modern society’s first attempt to understanding sound as medicine. The 1800s would see the first use of sound therapy within an institutional setting, alongside the first recorded alter dream states during psychotherapy.

The Use of Sound Therapy In History

sound therapy session
• The aboriginals of Australia were one of the first people to use sound as a form of healing. It is believed that the aborigines of Australia can heal broken bones, muscle tears, and illnesses of various kinds. With the use of various tools and instruments producing different sounds and frequencies.

• In ancient Egypt sound therapy was also practices and used. Egyptians used tools for sound but also understood the power of words and sounds made vocally. Vowels in ancient Egypt were considered sacred sounds. Chanting vowels was a powerful sound and very significant to priests, during devotion & healing practices.

The most relaxing sound in the world is called weightless. It contains a sustaining rhythm at 60 beats per minute and gradually slows to around 50. Your body and heart rate will automatically sync to the beat. Studies have shown that after hearing this song. People saw a 65% reduction in anxiety and a 35% reduction in their physiological resting state.

Currently, there is not enough research on the principals and benefits of sound therapy. But hopefully, as we move more away from prescription meds. We will soon double back and pick up lost principals, medicine, & knowledge.

Cool Natural Wonders
Staying on the topic of sound. Let’s take a closer look at acustic levitation. Acoustic levitation is a method of suspending matter in the air with the use of acoustic radiation pressure from high-intensity sound waves. Which are typically ultrasonic sounds. That can’t be heard through human interpretation. Some people believe that ancient civilizations used sounds to move large objects across large distances. There are currently many different forms of acustic levitation devices that help to suspend both small and large objects.

Take a look at these cool products made using acoustic levitation

Hopefully, within the near future, we will begin to see more use of acustic levitation within various industries.

Cool Facts About The Body
1. Your fingernails grow four times as fast as you toenails
2. Your eyelashes last for around 150 days
3. The smallest bone in your body is your ears
4. 12% of people dream in black and white
5. A sneeze blows air out your nose at 100 miles per hour
6. Your lungs are the only organs in your body that float
7. Bones are 4 times stronger than concrete

Natures Gift Unlocked-Hidden Mysteries of Nature

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